Thursday, 10 September 2015

Research - Task 7 - Robbie Williams Millennium - Music video


The song was recorded and released in 1998 and consists of only two cords which is why Robbie has said it was the most simple song he has ever written or had a hand in producing. The song topped Irish and UK charts around the time of its release and was also Robbie's first song that reached the US top 100 billboard list reaching at its peak position 77. 

Relationship between lyrics and visuals

He begins singing about stars whilst the background is golden and twinkly that he is performing in at that time which links the lyrics and what can be seen on the screen with the background being very star like. He also sings about praying and falling from grace that many people associate with the Bible and in particular Jesus and angels which the background also ties in with because of the star of David

Relationship between music and visuals 

During the chorus and at some other intervals in the video the camera jumps back to Robbie singing by himself with the golden background and then fro verses it goes away to him in other scene, such as outside a set, driving on a country road and in a boat in what appears a Miami style area. 

What image does this create for the band?

Along with a lot of Robbie does it creates an image of a sex symbol that he has become and he always around women or nice cars. This creates a strong image of wealth and success which he definitely has in abundance. 

References to notion of looking

An air stewardess comes to see if he is okay and when she turns around to walk away Robbie appears to check her out as she walks away which is seen as a typical thing for Robbie Williams to do as he has a huge background in being a womaniser. There is huge sexualisation to Robbie and the attractive women models that are used in the video, especially during the scenes where he is on a boat

Intertextual references

The song uses a lot of lyrics from John Barry's You Only Live Twice which was the track to the James Bond film You Only Live Twice in 1967. There is some huge references to this throughout the music video. The car that Robbie is driving around the countryside is an old Aston Martin that is heavily linked and has been used in many James Bond films. He also is always wearing a Tuxedo and is usually surrounded by attractive women, which we all associate with James Bond. 


I like the idea of shooting the chorus in the same spot and cutting away and coming back to the same location. Also how each verse is in different sets so that it doesn't all become a bit of the same thing the whole way through. 

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